viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Public transportation

There are a lot of kind of public transportation here in San Francisco,

Many of the buses in the city run off electric lines. You will see these lines above many streets.

Something particular in this kind of buses, is that the doors are not managed by the driver, when the bus stop you must down the stairs and the doors will open. I noticed that when all the bus told me "come on guy, down the stairs" :)

Also we have the Cable Car, an older system in which they have a cable in the street that hook the wagon when the driver move some levers.

I have also taken the Ferry from San Francisco to Vallejo city.

Here some pictures:

This is a common Bus, It is interesting to see this rope that you can pull to request a stop, without stand up. Also the board in front announces all the streets, and gives us  some information for instance "The firsts seats are reserverd for disabled or pregnants"

These are the Street Cars, they have different colors each color represent the city of origin.

This last picture correspond to the Ferry, It is nice to see the city from the bay when arrives San Francisco.

I could test Donas in the Ferry, another myth shot down, now I understand why Homero likes them.

1 comentario:

  1. Ricky: you are portraying such a vivid picture of the American spirit!!! I'm so proud of you!!!
    Homer likes doughnuts / donuts, and I LOVE them!!! (Luckily, there's still a place where we can get them in Argentina: Walmart) :-)
